We offer one-on-one development and executive coaching using well-established coaching practices and feedback tools. We work with the individual to identify the key areas where a leader will benefit from executive coaching. We then support them to set goals in these areas and build their commitment and accountability towards these goals.

The key focus areas for our executive coaching typically include:

  • Productivity
    We help improve your productivity by managing your workflow, minimising distractions and helping you work out what your priorities should be.

  • Accountability
    Together we’ll set goals and develop an action plan to keep you on track.

  • Interpersonal effectiveness
    We’ll help you build your interpersonal skills, critical for building team morale and developing relationships with stakeholders.

  • Leading change in the workplace
    Lead effectively during times of change and uncertainty.

  • Leadership coaching and support
    Sometimes it’s great to know someone’s got your back. The simple act of talking something through to an outsider in a non-judgemental environment can give you a fresh perspective.

  • Removing personal blocks
    We can help you identify and change limiting beliefs and attitudes that might be holding you back.